Thursday 16 April 2015

simple and easy everyday hijab wear

Simple everyday wear and plain headscarf

11)   first thing  make you hair in ban using you own hair or if you don’t have long hair you can always use this clip as we use to make our ban look bigger, its simple and easier to mange you time ,
22)   get a black or skin colour ninja under-scarf ready to put it on under the scarf , and select the scarf that is appropriate for you outfit, once you ready to if you have bigger scarf u can fold it in half but this days we have just the right size scarf u don’t have to fold it , make sure you have safety pins ready ,
33)  make sure the long side of the scarf goes on your left should and the long side goes on the right should ,
44)  place the hijab on you head and use the safety pin under you chin make sure that hijab doesn’t mover and also make sure you have neat edges of you hijab and setting propyl the side of you face.
55) You have left the short side and pin it at the back of you ban and tag the last bit under you cloths, or how ever you really like ,
66)With longer side you place it on the top of you head and over on your left side.

77,8,9,10)If you not happy with interfere with the appearance of the rest of the scarf you can always place it at the back of you cloths as model shows that its hanging out on the left shoulder I like it that its just give extra look on the out layer of the hijab.

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